Monday, March 10, 2008

Breakdown magnet

Yeah, I just knew this week is going to be INSANE!!! First off, I thought it was going to be crazy just knowing that I will be having my entire 9th grade career be decide on by some gay, man-made..or machine, but people feed it the damn paper, that will be ruining my 9th grade career, freakin' paper pushers. Then my crackpot teachers say they'll be assigning it as some kinda grade on how well you did on there portion of the test. So this morning I woke and was like, 'Let's getter done' with this cheesy southern accent, and then midway in brushing my brothers like 'No school' and I kept brushing and got my cloths on, and then it hit me...And i started dancing in circles throwing my hands up in the air, looking like a total retard. Funny, we got like these pre-pre test examples and I sat there pulling my hair out, till i realized that I've done all this crap before. Haha thenI forgot my pencil was broken, and my backup was rolling away with it's ugly yellow number two self, I was all like:
I am soooo dead. I'm surprised I haven't broken down yet. By this time last year, I'd have had... about 10 break downs. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing... you know, that I haven't broken down yet, but I'm hoping it's a good sign.
So during lunch, after my pre-pre-breakdown thoughts, and hair pulling, I went to the library sneaking in a turkey rap, haha the librarian kept hearing it unfold and I kept pointing at some random kid, putting my finger to my lips and going "Shhhh...!"
Then I came home and ate like a freaking foot long sub, that I made. Midway through it my friend Lex called and was like "whatcha doing?" I swallowed and told her, then she's like "there going straight to your nonexistence thighs." and I laughed and choked and whipsered through coughs. "If I don't have any, then I'm allowed to eat." and then she hung up after saying. "See ya lah-tor, and if there's no thighs then it's going to be adding to your butt, and soon enough it'll have it's own website." I started laughing all over again, then realized that was an insult, so I wrote a really long myspace comment about how it was mean, and sent it to her. All I got back was. "I love you, you little midget." I'm not a midget, I'm 5'1 that's not anywhere near a kidget's height.

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