Saturday, March 1, 2008

If thats not living large, then im happy living small.

So i must admit that as of lately i have been doing horrible job in updating. if i had enough energy, i would spend the next hour typing lines upon lines of words that most would just skim through to make it short, I've been busy. school.Tests. life. its been quite hectic. All i want is a breath of fresh air...that could possible be taken in a Porsche 911 turbo . I have received such wonderfully horrible news that I've never been happier in my life; how ironic I've been wishing for a perfect life for such a long time, and now that I'm almost close to achieving it, I'm ecstatic every terrible little thing that I hear. Whoa, I'm turning into a grade-A crack-pot. (Note: I have never done drugs, okay so I might have sold some, Porsche's are not cheap people....ha ha, J/k)
Oh, did I tell you all, I'm posting a world-wide ad. I'm post below what it's suppose to look like

Where art thou Loaded Prince Charming!?

Beautiful Princess trapped in small town Ohio, clearly not a gold digger; Princess is better looking than Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping beauty, etc... Will not turn into repulsive ogre, as seen in Sherk. Beauty, brains, bronze (Whatever that is.) Need of loan of 126,000 dollars, or 99,999 Euros either is fine, will also pay in limbs except legs and arms, Damn will not pay in limbs or I simply cannot drive the Porsche 911 Turbo .
NOTE: Princess is a tad bit stubborn,self-righteous,intimidating, and can kick your ass if you do not hand over my Porsche 911 turbo.

1 comment:

Gallagher.Girl said...

Ha-ha "...hand over my Poursh 911 Turbo" Wow, you a bit scary, but extremly funny