Thursday, January 10, 2008

So much for living large!

Okay, so I watched an episode of Project Runway; May I be the first to openly point out that I've never seen so many queers in one place, oh except that gay parade I saw on Youtube. Honestly they have everything on that website. But Project Runway has it's good point's, I mean I saw some really sweet dresses...I don't like dresses but gawd damn those were Prudy!
So today at school, it was awesome; however it was a normal day, may I say that normal is not in my vocabulary...WTF! Now that's in my vocab...he he guess what on my myspace page, just done updating it, but anyways where was I; Oh! yeah I finished up my new layout and then all of a sudden I realized that under occupation I left it blank...he he this is where I thought {Not really, it just hit me, literally} So from this day on, I am a badass, my income is -250,000...Damn I shoulda been something that paid a lot more, I mean I'll be in debt till I'm dead...Oh! Ha-Ha I learned something in school today, did you know that America is 10 trillion dollars in debt? Guess who has to pay it off? Yup, you guessed right...young amercia..a.k.a Me; So much for I'll be rich in the future, you know what that -250,000 is looking mighty fine =)

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