Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Self-absorbed...Just received a new definition

"The exams are so stressing, and with my rent's thinking about moving OUT OF STATE; However am I suppose to handle all of this? Besides I have so much other stuff to worry about...Why does everyone in this world think they can depend on me for every insignificant little thing!? Oh, you think it's karma...I don't remember doing something that I would have to pay for lah-tah...I know I did charge a ton on my dad's credit card you think it's that...."
So it wasn’t much of a conversation. It was more like someone talking to themselves for twenty minutes – non-stop.And before you ask, no, that wasn’t me talking…AT ALL, not a word utter my me...just a friend who is completely self-absorbed this week. And if you think that's bad, don't get me started on this beyond ah-nnoying booger named R...Yes, I did say booger, if only i could flick this one, ha ha I'm so twisted; that came out wrong I don't flick boogers...Wait what was I talking about? Oh! Yeah R...You think the other person was annoying, well news flash this persona non grata always shows up at the most unwanted times/ R is ever wanted anywhere; I do sound like the wicked witch of bitch, but if you ever, I mean ever meant this person you'd claw out your eyes and sell them to a hobo, just to get the annoying image of this person out of your mind...if only I knew how to do that with as little pain as I could manage.

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